Get Organized & Get Results
The Content Strategy Roadmap online course helps marketing professionals build social media, SEO, and online advertising skills in an atmosphere of accountability and support.
Don’t Go It Alone!
Lead instructor Sarah Benoit is here to help you face your challenges, celebrate your success, and adapt as the industry evolves and changes.
Make Content Marketing Work for You
- Do you have a powerful story—but don’t know how to tell it online?
- Are you unclear about where to invest your time and money online?
- Do you want to get started with social media advertising?
- Are you struggling to keep up as everything changes?
- Do you know how to target your social media campaigns, so you reach the right people?
- Have you developed a campaign mindset?
- When people search for what you offer, can they find you on Google?

We’ll be here for you as you create and implement your content marketing strategy.
This robust, online, and on-demand course will help you learn the most critical digital marketing skills necessary to develop a professional content marketing strategy.
What’s in the Roadmap?
The Content Strategy Roadmap is an online course that contains curated, current videos and written educational materials to save you time in looking for the answers. The program also gives you access to the expertise of the JB Media Institute lead instructor, Sarah Benoit. She will provide guidance and feedback on your work throughout the program.
Each month you even have the opportunity to meet with Sarah during her open office hours and discuss your own marketing strategy, attend a monthly webinar with special guests, and take live Zoom classes on new AI topics with a variety of marketing experts.
As a marketer with a small department or even a “marketing department of one,” you will immediately be supported by Sarah and her online learning community. You’ll have the opportunity to level up your own skills at your own pace and you will develop the ability to prioritize your next steps.
JB Media Institute Co-Founder and Lead Instructor, Sarah Benoit, has designed the Content Strategy Roadmap to help businesses and individuals create a cohesive digital marketing plan that includes SEO, social media, online advertising, and content strategy. Presented in an easily digestible, step-by-step format, the course covers five major sections:
- Content Branding
- Content Research and Planning
- Content Development and Optimization
- Content Distribution
- Promotion Partnership Marketing
“Before enrolling in the JB Media Institute, the ever-evolving landscape of internet marketing was overwhelming to me. I understood there could be huge benefits for our company (brand awareness, reputation, lead generation, account retention, etc.) by maximizing our online marketing presence through SEO, advertising and social media. I just didn’t know how to get started or where to focus my efforts to make the biggest impact. Without JB Media, I don’t think I would have had the confidence or skillset necessary on my own to get things off the ground.”

Attend Our Free Monthly Webinar
The first Wednesday of every month from 12:10 pm until 1 pm join Sarah and a variety of digital marketing experts and learn, tips, tricks, and best practices for making your digital marketing strategies more efficient and effective.

Download Your Free Digital Marketing Toolkit
20+ guides and templates that walk you through how to create a professional, actionable, and integrated digital marketing strategy.
Are you confused about how all the different aspects of your digital marketing come together to achieve your goals? Level up your digital marketing skills with our free Digital Marketing Toolkit. Learn SEO, online advertising, social media marketing, and much more.